Thursday, October 20, 2011

On Boyfriends by Taylor Swift...

On Ellen....I'm paraphrasing...I really like this conversation.  I'm a sucker for romantics...

Ellen - "does your boyfriend like the way it smells? (discussing Taylor's new perfume, Wunderstruck)"    

Taylor - "I don't have a boyfriend, I keep you telling you that. I just don't. I don't even have a kinda boyfriend.  I sit by myself and watch Law and Order. Not even a guy I text with that might someday turn into a boyfriend. Nothing."

Ellen - "that's pathetic"

Taylor - "I don't want to be that girl that has a constant stream of boyfriends...I wanna be the girl that when she meets a guy and falls in love it's rare and it's a big deal"

Ellen - "you're a good role model....take it from me you don't need boys..."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Age - Is it just a number?

In the age of "Cougars" and "Pumas" and when the Demi Moore's, Courtney Cox's and Jennifer Aniston's (remember, John Mayer) of Hollywood are making the older woman/younger man scenario look it?  Traditionally, it's always been widely accepted that men date younger - biologically it just makes sense.  A 40-something guy may not want the risk involved with a 40-something woman.  From a maturity perspective it also makes sense - guys, I think it's common knowledge that we ladies just mature faster.

But is this really a "Rule" that we have to stick with?  Can women successfully date, love and eventually marry a younger man?  I mean, you can't help who you fall in love with, right?

So I went out asking...
My (Male) neighbor's rule - "I think you can go 5 years in either direction until the age of 40 and then you can go 10.  After 60, he says there are no rules, you just take what you can get."

Local (Female) Journalist Friend - "10 years over, 2 years under. Men mature slower!"

Local Dating Coach Loxie Gant - "It's all about LIFE STAGE, not age."

This got me thinking some idol, the lady I used to skip school for as a kid (so that I could "study" to be as funny as she was), Lucille Ball fell madly in love with and married a younger man, Desi Arnaz.  A love that lasted over 50 years (the marriage was admittedly not so great, alcohol and infidelity took it's toll).

I'm open to thoughts on this one.  Can it really work?  I think I might be coming around on this one...


Monday, August 15, 2011

First Date...Don't Forget the Basics...

It never hurts to brush up on your first date etiquette before the big date - putting your best foot forward and helping you score the one! 

Cliff Notes (do they still make them?) version -

  •        Keep it simple and short – if you like each other that’s why there’s a second date.
  •        No cursing (usually it’s my guys that do this one and it’s the f-bomb that I get complaints about),    no talk about the ex’s and don’t get into any conversation that is too serious.
  •        A drink or two is fine but don’t get sloshed.
  •        The guy should set up the date and pay (and the girl should do the obligatory “reach”).
  •        Flirt, have fun and go into EVERY date with an open mind.
  •       Turn off your Blackberry, iPhone, Android, iPad…whatever your digital addiction is...
  •        Save sex for when you are monogamous. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Single Mama

So you're ready to get back out there, you're over your ex, you've rediscovered you and you are just READY.  This is a big step, venturing back into the unknown, flirting, online dating, dating services, blind dates, bad dates, first kisses but this is just the norm for a single gal.  If you're a single mama you have even more hurdles - little people depend on you. They depend on you literally to get places and do things but emotionally as well and this can quite easily be the hardest part.

What are the new "rules"? Well now you have your mama-gut instinct to follow but just a few bits of advice:

* Don't forget to make YOU a priority.
* Take time to "flip the switch" from mom to hot date.
* Be totally honest with the guys you date.
* Don't introduce the kids too soon and force a "playing house" scenario.
* Stay in the present - enjoy dating and have a good time.  Try not to fast forward to your personal "Brady Bunch" scenario.

The best part about being a single mom and not just a single woman is you have things figured out the other gals don't.  You are not battling your own biological clock. You know what you want and you know what your priorities are.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Finding Love a Comic Con

I am not a comic book fan. I have not seen every Batman movie or even every Superman move (I think there are fewer).  But I LOVE Comic Con.  Truth be told, I have never actually been inside - I do not have the foresight to purchase tickets 7 months in advance and within a 2 hour window.

But I LOVE Comic Con. I love the people watching. I love how the entire city of San Diego transforms into a series of video games and characters I've never even heard of. I LOVE the passion. I love that people come from all over the world to celebrate, for all intensive purposes, cartoons.

If you're a SciFi geek or Comic Book nerd (used affectionately, of course) this is your weekend to shine!  And more importantly, find that special someone that shares the same passion as you.  How does one navigate this maze of people to not only find someone who is single but who underneath the costume you might actually like?

The keys to meet your Comic Match are in your outfit and where you go!  First of all, if you've got it, flaunt it! Wonder Woman is hot, confident and really says you are not screwing around!  And I have no idea who this "Angel of Fire" is but she looks pretty rocking to me.  Just remember, your costume should be a reflection of your personality.  This is key to conveying who you are before even meeting someone - this way, the right people approach you!

Where you go?  I'm talking after parties and hot spots around town.  Lou & Mickey's & Donovan's are outfitted with video games so if that's your thing I would head to a spot like that. Fluxx is a local night club featuring Snoop Dogg tonight. Even Basic is retrofitted for the occasion. And take advantage of all that time waiting in line at the expo! Strike up a conversation with strangers - even ones you might not think you are attracted to.  You just never know!

Naturally shy or introverted? Use some witty one-liners to get the conversation started! Such as -
* Are you always dressed as the Green Lantern or do you sometimes don the Superman get-up?
* If you were a superhero, who would you be? (Use only on someone NOT dressed as a superhero.)
* Have you checked out the giant Smurf? Think Smurfette is pissed she's not here?
* Do you always wear a cloak and carry a wand or only when you're off to fight Voldamort?

Most importantly...have fun, talk to strangers and take lots of pictures!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

I know what you're thinking...I am missing running SO much that it is now flooding my thought process completely. I am using some weak attempt to tie together dating and running.  Perhaps, but hear me out.

As a society, we tend to get wrapped up in the end result.  Which makes sense as we are measured in so many ways by results - at work, we have goals and most of us try to achieve them.  In running, we set a goal and then train to meet or exceed even it.  In short, we decide (or someone decides for us) that we want something and the expectation of results is created.

Usually there is a timeline but most of us want things now.  The 40 yard dash version, not the marathon version.  Now go outside and run a 40 yard dash and then tomorrow go outside and run a marathon - tell me how you feel at the end of each of them.  The dash is exhilarating, fun, gets your blood pumping and makes you feel great! Sure, you push yourself but you know you can get through it without working too hard. Tell me you feel the same about the marathon and I will call you a liar or you have a shot at the Olympics. It takes month of work - building up slowly, getting through rough patches where your body and mind are completely beat down and then the anticipation building up to the big day.  Not to mention the nerves the night before - the uncertainty of what lies ahead.  And the hard work pays off but not without even more WORK.  But in the end, it's totally worth it. It's this crazy emotional, physical, awesome journey that makes you feel incredible.  You realize all the work was totally worth it the second you hear your name called and your chip beep for the last time as you cross the finish line.  You swagger over to get your medal and water (or beer) to celebrate. The feeling is like non-other.  It's love. Your 40 yard dash was lust.

True love doesn't happen over night. It isn't made with a kiss or a diamond.  Or happen instantly after some really amazing event or major hurdle (the plot of most every rom-com).  It takes work and sacrifice and communication and all kinds of things that sound about as fun as training for four months for a marathon.  But somehow it's what we all crave and in the end it's totally worth it.


Monday, June 27, 2011

What's Love Got To Do With It

Yesterday was the first time I've been to church in YEARS, excluding Easter and Christmas which for some reason I don't really count.  When I lived in Encinitas I went to church nearly every Sunday.  Moved to East Village and suddenly I turned into some bar scene heathen.  I had the best of intentions to find a new church but six years later I realized I never checked that off my to-do list.  Why am I rambling on about church when my title CLEARLY has something to do with Tina Turner?!?!?!?

Because that was the subject of the sermon yesterday which I found oddly ironic and as a warm sign to my heart that this was where I was supposed to be.  On any given day "love" occupies a majority of my thoughts because it's my goal in life to help as many people as I can find it.  But lately and much more selfishly, it has been on my mind because I want to find it for myself.  Yes, maybe there is some truth to those who can't do, teach (as made evident by my math teacher girlfriend who sometimes screws up splitting the check or calculating days left until x-event happens).  However, I am not interested in some tragic story about a matchmaker who can't find love for herself. I want the happy ending as badly for myself as I do for my clients.  So as much as I was hoping for THE "Private Dancer" to come "rollin" through those chapel doors I was quite happy for a pastor who was celebrating 46 years of marriage to offer his advice and 1st Corinthians on Love.

I'm sure that even those of you who are not regulars at your local chapel, have attended a wedding or two that's recited 1 Corinthians 13.  I promise I will not attempt to be a pastor or become "preachy" but wanted to share what I learned I needed to work on in the hopes that it might help with your own path to finding love.

Patience - well I have none. I am ready damnit - I made up my mind and now would like for the stars to align and my future husband to please show up already.  I am pretty sure most can relate to being impatient. This will probably be a weakness I have to work on for the rest of my life.

Envy - this is a tough one to admit. I want what others have. I want someone to take care of me when I'm sick (or just had surgery). I want someone to go to the Farmer's Market with on Saturday morning. I want a running partner, a "plus 1" for all of the weddings I attend and mostly someone there for me to be my biggest fan. And I want to be all of these things and more for them.  The funny thing is I have all of these things - they are called, friends. But what is "envious" and difficult to admit is I want what my friends have. In order to love, I must let envy go.

And it will all be worth it because, "the greatest of these is love".


Thursday, June 23, 2011

So You Got Dumped...

That totally sucks.  Now get over it.  Move on.  Enough already.

Insensitive? Nope, just tough love. I've been there and know what you're going through. In fact, we've all been there.  I mean really, it only takes one time to get it right? So chances are you are going to get hurt in love...My goal is for you to learn from it, move on and finally meet the ONE.

It would be incredibly insensitive of me to end this without giving you my two cents, so here we go -

1) Stop putting your ex on a pedestal. He/She was NOT perfect and definitely not as wonderful as you thought or they wouldn't have left you.

2) Stop texting/emailing/Facebooking/calling/dropping by/happening to be in the same place at the same time.

3) Throw out the stuff that reminds you of them.  Take down the pictures. Stop torturing yourself. Being an emotional cutter isn't going to get you on the path to new love!

4) Get closure.  I think sometimes it's easier to say "we need a break" then "we need to break up".  But that's confusing.  It's like when Bentley left Ashley on the Bachelorette, he said this was "..." - he didn't mean that, he just wanted her to stop freaking crying. And, honestly, am not sure I blame him. I couldn't deal with all of that crying and I'm a crier.  Having said that, absolutely, NOT the right thing to do. If you know it's over just be honest.  You owe the other person that much.

5) Get out and do fun stuff!!! The best way to get your mind off it all is to keep yourself busy.  Go out with your friends, get back in the gym, join a new group - whatever gets you going and makes you happy. Go on a trip.  Just do it!

6) Think of all of the bad stuff. I have a hard time with this because I tend to focus on the good in people and for some reason, tend to take the blame for why relationships end.  If you really feel like you did something wrong, recognize it and don't do it in the next one. So remember, when you start to miss them just think of the crappy things he/she did.  You will realize how much better off you are.

7) Most importantly - You have to make yourself happy first.  You can't put the pressure on someone else to make you happy. It just won't work, you will be needy and dependent.  Once you are happy with you then you will be happy in love.

8) If you've been together for a long time or have gone from relationship to relationship maybe it's time to consider what I call "Cupid's Cleanse - 28 Days to a Healthier Heart".  A great way to hit the "reset" button on your love life and a hell of a lot better for you than cayenne pepper and lemon juice!  Email me at for a free copy of it.


Friday, June 17, 2011

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not...

You remember the game! You pull each petal off of a flower (ok, I think I might have used weeds but that actually just shows the quality of boys I surrounded myself with or where I spent my time) and alternate each pluck with "he loves me" and "he loves me not". The fundamental problem with this game is the mindset it puts you in.  You automatically rule your own emotions out.  Your focus should be on how you feel about him.  Think about it - that's the only thing you can control and clearly you know that or you wouldn't be playing these silly games.  Ok, I have fast forwarded a decade or two to adulthood.  We may not pick the petals off of our $7 Farmer's Market Daisies but perhaps even worse we harp on it.  Asking our friends over $12 martinis and mulling around the house reliving every last conversation and action. Looking for a sign of how he really feels. 

What should you be doing?  A) living your life, I am fairly certain you have way more important shit to get done today.  B) Determining how you feel about him.  Are you totally yourself when you're with him? Does he make you laugh? Does he make you a priority? Do you see yourself wanting to take trips together? Is there potential past 2am? Do you even want to stay up until 2am with him? Figuring out the basics of what you want and how YOU feel.

Now I am a fairly confident person and I would be lying if I said I hadn't caught myself doing this before (Ok, maybe recently. Damn, my need for over-sharing.).  It's easy to get excited and then start to worry you will be let down or worse have your heart broken. But I promise you, the most important person in your life is you and if you don't figure out what makes you happy then no one else will either.  So just chill the hell out, figure out how you feel and I promise you that your confidence will shine through and suddenly the last worry on your mind will be how he feels about you.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What The Marines Taught Me About Love...

Now I know where your minds are headed right now but steer back on course...I was actually in the Marine Corps (not working my way through a Fighter Squadron).  This is my own littler version of "All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" but with regards to love and relationships and I guess I learned these lessons a few years later. I'm here to tell you that what I learned in the Marines, has made me a better partner.

There were three words drilled into your head from day one, "Honor, Courage & Commitment".  The Marine Corps' Core Values.  It might seem trite to compare creating a warrior to creating a good partner but think about want someone that will have your back, that you can trust without question and that you have a bond that never falters.  Right?

So let's take a closer look...

Honor - never lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do. To have respect for others.

Courage - mental, moral and physical strength. What gives you the strength to do what is right.

Commitment - the spirit of dedication and determination.  It's what binds us together.

So if you looked at your significant other like a Marine looked at his "job" I think we might all be better off for it.  Putting them before yourself, never compromising what is right and being fully committed to the relationship. It's really quite simple!

Now how do we get there? Bootcamp for love to follow - stay tuned!!! Everything from "making your rack" to "PT'ing" every morning.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Avoiding the Three Year Glitch

Well we are getting faster in EVERY area of our lives so why wouldn't it be true when it comes to relationships? The new 4G phone, not good enough, when will 5G be ready? How many megabytes can I move per second? How many meetings can I fit into a day? How many emails can send before my flight? Everything is better, faster, smaller, more convenient, more accessible. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that would eventually seep into our personal lives.  Reuters reported on Tuesday that 67% of the 2000 people surveyed in this British study said the 36 month mark was the turning point when "cute" transitioned to "annoying". That little drop of toothpaste on the counter every morning started out as endearing but today it just ruined my black sweater. You are no longer on your best behavior, excusing yourself to belch or picking up your socks when you leave the living room and now you've been together long enough to share the financials.  Over the last several months the pounds started to creep on and suddenly ice cream has been more appealing at night then sex? Sound familiar?

It's human nature to become comfortable over time with your significant other. In fact, it's a good thing to get to a certain level of comfort. But take it too far and you risk becoming less desirable. The number one  reason stated for the "3 year glitch"? Weight gain.

We may not want to revert back to our Zach Morris cell phone or tube TV but this is one area of our lives that we need to work on slowing down a bit. My tips for keeping the 3 Year Glitch at bay -

* Take care of yourself.  Keep your wardrobe up to date, your hairstyle flattering and the extra pounds off.
* Appreciate each other. Spend time together, sans Blackberry or iPhone. Equally important, spend time with your own friends and hobbies, don't wait for a Hall Pass to get out and do your own thing!
* Be considerate.
* Remember why you fell in love in the first place.

And most of all remember relationships are work but most things worthwhile are.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Letters

This morning on the Today Show Jenna Bush explores the long lost art of the "love letter".  Now love letters are more like "love texts" or "love emails" which are still wonderful but there is something incredibly romantic about when someone takes the time to put pen to paper and tell you how much they love you.  She interviews her grandparents who were separated by a war and had to communicate this way.  It was this communication that keep them together and helped their love grow.  After 66 years of marriage they still write letters and President Bush still asks "Bar" to be his Valentine. I remember "mail call" from my days in the service and especially remember the feeling of getting a "love letter".  There isn't the instant gratification that comes with hitting "send/receive" - you actually have to wait.  These letters travel planes, trains and automobiles (literally) to remote places around the world. They are beaten and frayed but the message is still so sweet.  A world away I'm still thinking of you...

If you enjoyed this you might also enjoy one of my favorite books, I love you, Ronnie. The Love Letters of Ronald Regan to Nancy Reagan.  It's an amazing collection of letters that Ronald Reagan wrote to Nancy while he was on the road - your heart will be full and you will be so inspired to pick up a pen and tell your significant other how you feel, the old fashioned way.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Unattached on Valentine's Day?

The BIG day is fast approaching and I know anxiety can run high.  New couples are wondering how big of a deal to make of it.  Veteran couples are wondering how to make this year stand out from year's past. But singles are either one of two things 1) glad to not have to deal with the drama or 2) painfully aware of their status.  The truth of it is though, it's just a Hallmark holiday.  And although I love the pink & red heart decor that comes with the big day (not to mention the candy) it really is just another day.  I would think of it like this - if you are in a relationship use it to celebrate that fact.

If you are "unattached" don't sweat it.  And remember it's on a Monday so you could blow it off all together. However, if the idea of going home to Spot and watching The Bachelor makes you want to pour rubbing alcohol in your eyes. Then get moving! Hit the gym after work, go for a run, meet a friend for tennis or golf. Go out for happy hour with friends or even dinner but skip the romantic restaurants. Whatever you do remember:
1) Look your best
2) Be bubbly, friendly and outgoing
3) Don't get sloshed and cry about all of your failed relationships
4) Flirt with strangers
5) Have a good time

A more active approach -

Run a 10k - The Valentine's Day 10k on Coronado is an inaugural event but I'm positive with 1500 runners an after party at McP's Irish Pub and your's truly as a sponsor it will most certainly be a success.  They say natural rush of endorphins is a sure way to attract a mate and wouldn't you want to meet someone who is active?

Volunteer - giving back always makes you feel better, boosting your confidence and thus making you more attractive. And what's better than delivering flowers and making other people's Valentine's Days special?

Oh and give your friend or your mom a Valentine.  It just makes you feel good :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pub, ah Love Crawl for Valentine's Day? Why not...

Whether you're attached or unattached this event should be a good time!  This Sunday come join the East Village Business Association as they "walkabout" the neighborhood, decked in heart pins made by yours truly and sampling some East Village's finest food and beverages.  All restaurants will be offering complimentary Love Bites and Happy Hour pricing.  This event is sure to be a blast!

The Tour -

* 4-5pm Zanzibar
* 5-6pm Lotus Thai
* 6-7pm Wine Steals
* 8-9pm The Village @ 631

And the cost? Only $5.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Anthology's Weekend of Love...

What says romance better than live music? Guessing maybe the genre is important here -  metal rock and gangsta rap are not so romantic? But jazz or big band -  now we're talking!  Combine great music with incredible food and an amazing venue and you, my friend,  have planned the perfect evening for your date! It's my personal belief that Anthology is one of downtown's best kept secrets or maybe misconceptions.  When I hear people rattle off great music venues I regularly hear House of Blues, Belly Up and The Casbah but rarely do I hear Anthology. Folks I have to tell you, you are missing out.  They have one of the hottest chefs in town, an amazing multi-level venue and are booked with incredible talent almost every night of the week.  Perhaps it's their location that is their downfall - a bit off the beaten path of the rest of downtown's hot spots.  All that says to me is better parking!  Or maybe when people here "jazz club" they think stuffy suits, red carpet walls and a smoke filled room (although we are in California) - these are all sad misconceptions. 
View of stage & levels at Anthology

The Weekend of Love line-up:

February 11th - Michael Franks
February 12th - Motown Revue
February 13th - Taboo Band - A Tribute to Sada

Valentine's Day - Big Band Sinatra & a special Prix Fix 3 or 4 course menu which includes a champagne toast.

I truly believe that love is in the air this year at Anthology. 

For tickets and complete details , see Anthology's website.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentine's Day Idea - The Del

It's that time of year again and I'm happy to dish out some romantic ideas between now and the big day - Valentine's Day. No, not the SUPERBOWL, fellas...which is actually a bigger day in my world as well.

That's S'more` at Hotel Del
One of my favorite places in town The Hotel Del Coronado has some wonderful specials going on right now. My personal favorite is "That's S'more`"which includes a couples massage followed by a private bonfire on the beach with champagne and s'mores. And what girl doesn't love being indulged - massage, romantic fire, bubbly and chocolate, does it get any better than this?

Sunset at the Hotel Del Coronado taken by your's truly
And I personally have visited the Spa at the Del and can tell you the service is amazing, the view is spectacular and when not receiving one of their wonderful treatments you can lounge by the spa's private pool or relax in the hot tub. It is truly nirvana. You probably won't want the day to end so just go ahead and book one of the hotel's romance packages and stay the weekend.  My pick to compliment this wonderful day would be "A Night of Romance" which includes breakfast for two, a dozen roses, champagne, strawberries and valet parking.  A weekend she will remember forever and the Del does all of the work for you!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Foot Pop

I recently watched "The Princess Diaries" with Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway (the movie that actually make Anne Hathaway famous) and until now, a secret guilty pleasure. It's a wonderful little flick about a 15 year old girl who finds out that she's a princess and her transformation from tomboy to princess and from girl to woman.  She coins a term in it that I love! The "foot pop" - when a kiss that's so good, your foot just naturally pops up in the air. 

Sometimes its hard to get excited to go out on dates with new people.  There's the pressure...what if we have nothing in common, what if I like him and he doesn't like me, what if she's completely insane. The list of "what ifs" of all of thie things that could go wrong is incredibly long.  So why do we keep doing it? What gets you out the door for the next one? Because there is there is the biggest "what if" of all. What if this is the last first date I ever go on?  

I would like to offer one more bit of optimism - what if, on your first kiss, your foot pops?

Friday, January 14, 2011

$20 for $50 worth of Dating - Acceptable or No?

A few years ago a bunch of girlfriends and I were having dinner at Indigo Grill and the conversation I remember most was one that has sparked many a heated debate since - is it OK to use a coupon on a date?

My answer: Absolutely not on the first date! However, there are tactful ways to do it from the second date and on (although, truthfully, I would wait for at least date three).

Groupon has done a lot to change the perception of coupons and make it much more socially acceptable. Thanks to what they've coined, "collective buying power".  And thanks to a dozen or more copy cats you can find something fun, exciting and affordable to do almost any night of the week!

Sites to check out -

Living Social
Local Twist
SignonSanDiego's Daily Deal
San Diego Magazine's Deals & Steals

How do you broach the subject with your date - tactfully? My suggestion would be to casually mention that you grabbed the latest deal and see if she has any interest in checking out this new restaurant, gondola ride, art museum, hot air ballon ride, etc.

Depending on how adventurous your date is you may want to scope out your plan prior to the actual date...We all know how Date Night's can go awry.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

International Love - Delivered.

This morning I caught a segment on The Today Show, "From Russia with Love" and was reminded of my neighbor growing up, Sam.  Sam had two teenage daughters when I was in grade school and we had a party line (multiple families shared one phone line and yes, I grew up in a really small town). This worked out great for me because it was a constant source of entertainment - I was really good at eavesdropping. The sad part was there was always something going on in that house, because Sam could not keep a wife to save his life. Life was so chaotic in his house the cat walked a mile down the road and moved in with us.

That is until Sam met his Russian bride.  This was clearly pre-internet and "mail order" was right. To his credit, it worked. Sam never divorced again and boy did he give fodder for my eavesdropping!

I'm aware that the dating industry is booming amid tough economic times but what I was unaware of is that this particular portion of the industry has more than doubled in the last decade.  Code name "international matchmaking". And so the debate begins - is this human trafficking as some would call it or is really just expanding the horizons of sites like Both industries appeal to a similar client - men who might otherwise have trouble meeting women. And the appeal to women - perhaps the unfavorable female to male ratio in some Eastern European counties, the chance to come to the US or a wealthy lifestyle.  But if you read their testimonials they are simply looking for love, just like the rest of us.

And who am I to judge? The path to finding love is not always an easy one!  But buyer beware - there are scams galore.  Between hidden fees and the safety concerns alone this is not an option to take lightly. Not to mention you might want to check the return policy :)