Thursday, August 25, 2011

Age - Is it just a number?

In the age of "Cougars" and "Pumas" and when the Demi Moore's, Courtney Cox's and Jennifer Aniston's (remember, John Mayer) of Hollywood are making the older woman/younger man scenario look it?  Traditionally, it's always been widely accepted that men date younger - biologically it just makes sense.  A 40-something guy may not want the risk involved with a 40-something woman.  From a maturity perspective it also makes sense - guys, I think it's common knowledge that we ladies just mature faster.

But is this really a "Rule" that we have to stick with?  Can women successfully date, love and eventually marry a younger man?  I mean, you can't help who you fall in love with, right?

So I went out asking...
My (Male) neighbor's rule - "I think you can go 5 years in either direction until the age of 40 and then you can go 10.  After 60, he says there are no rules, you just take what you can get."

Local (Female) Journalist Friend - "10 years over, 2 years under. Men mature slower!"

Local Dating Coach Loxie Gant - "It's all about LIFE STAGE, not age."

This got me thinking some idol, the lady I used to skip school for as a kid (so that I could "study" to be as funny as she was), Lucille Ball fell madly in love with and married a younger man, Desi Arnaz.  A love that lasted over 50 years (the marriage was admittedly not so great, alcohol and infidelity took it's toll).

I'm open to thoughts on this one.  Can it really work?  I think I might be coming around on this one...


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