Friday, February 4, 2011

Unattached on Valentine's Day?

The BIG day is fast approaching and I know anxiety can run high.  New couples are wondering how big of a deal to make of it.  Veteran couples are wondering how to make this year stand out from year's past. But singles are either one of two things 1) glad to not have to deal with the drama or 2) painfully aware of their status.  The truth of it is though, it's just a Hallmark holiday.  And although I love the pink & red heart decor that comes with the big day (not to mention the candy) it really is just another day.  I would think of it like this - if you are in a relationship use it to celebrate that fact.

If you are "unattached" don't sweat it.  And remember it's on a Monday so you could blow it off all together. However, if the idea of going home to Spot and watching The Bachelor makes you want to pour rubbing alcohol in your eyes. Then get moving! Hit the gym after work, go for a run, meet a friend for tennis or golf. Go out for happy hour with friends or even dinner but skip the romantic restaurants. Whatever you do remember:
1) Look your best
2) Be bubbly, friendly and outgoing
3) Don't get sloshed and cry about all of your failed relationships
4) Flirt with strangers
5) Have a good time

A more active approach -

Run a 10k - The Valentine's Day 10k on Coronado is an inaugural event but I'm positive with 1500 runners an after party at McP's Irish Pub and your's truly as a sponsor it will most certainly be a success.  They say natural rush of endorphins is a sure way to attract a mate and wouldn't you want to meet someone who is active?

Volunteer - giving back always makes you feel better, boosting your confidence and thus making you more attractive. And what's better than delivering flowers and making other people's Valentine's Days special?

Oh and give your friend or your mom a Valentine.  It just makes you feel good :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good post... I'm single this Valentines Day and it's really not that big of a deal to me. I actually am enjoying it because I really get to do what I want to do. I guess I'll get back on the wagon shortly if the right woman comes in line but otherwise I'm not all out actively poppin up flares. I sent some of my friends flowers because they're my friends and they're female, that's about it.
