Thursday, October 22, 2009

NEEDED - Singles that are serious about finding the ONE!

As many of you know, I have just launched my matchmaking business!  I really want to build my network of single, professional bachelors and bachelorettes in San Diego.  If you are serious about meeting someone - not just searching for "Mr/Mrs Right Now". Please sign up on - I am offering a free consultation - "How to Meet the Right People in San Diego". As well as adding you to our database, you will receive invitations to exclusive LHH events (both seminars & mixers) and discounts for 2009 & 2010.

Don't miss out!!

Love Happens

I just saw Jennifer Aniston's new movie, "Love Happens", the other night (  I am no Roger Ebert, I promise I will not make any feabile attempts to give a review of the movie. My idea of a good movie is one with a happy ending.  I want the guy to get his girl, the plot to tie up nicely, I don't want to be disturbed for hours or days and in light of the upcoming holiday, I certainly do not want the bejesus scared out of me. I am a sap, a romantic, a girl and I LOVE a good love story. There is always a lesson...I thought I would share a few I gleaned from the movie.

1) Never make up a handicap to avoid giving a guy your number. First of all, it is tacky and really I should not have to explain any more.
2) Try something new. Jennifer seemed to always date guys that let her down. She had an image (musician) and when Aaron Eckhart's character arrived it didn't even dawn on her at first to give him a shot.
3) Be creative.  Seeing a concert in the bucket of a telephone repair truck; classic.
4) We all have baggage. Maybe not as dramatic as losing your wife and not attending her funeral but we all have something that tears at our heart. You have to determine if the person you love's baggage is something you can deal with. If not, move on.
5) Make a grand gesture. Walk into her flower shop (or insert here) and ask for her heart.

And of course remember that Love Happens :)


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Truth About Prince Charming...

If I know one thing is true it's this...prince charming isn’t going to ride up to your apartment, condo or house door. This isn’t how it works – no matter how many Jennifer Aniston movies you watch (Speaking of, has anyone seen Love Happens yet - ?)It isn't your fault, you have been trained since a child to think this way - thank you very much, Mr. Walt Disney. From a young age, we are programmed to believe that our prince will come - he will awaken us with a kiss or bring our lost glass slipper to our front door and, of course, live happily ever after. We are all guilty of wanting it to come this easily. But think about it, if he did, your butt would be on the couch, in yoga pants, with your hair on top of your head, a glass of wine in your hand and a bowl of popcorn in your lap. Surely, you would be watching something that I would find fabulous but I am not so sure he would find appealing.

Isn't it better this way? Think this get yourself all dolled-up, you meet a friend for a cocktail, go out and do something amazing and there he is - doing the same amazing thing. Instantly, you have a similar interest, a connection. Sure it requires a tad more work but is there anything in life worthwhile that didn't require some effort? I love Sleeping Beauty and am incredibly happy it worked out for her - but just in case your life isn't scripted so may want to get out of the house.

...happily, kim

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dating Fun – The Beacon

The Beacon – as defined to me - is when you reach that pivotal point of happiness in a relationship that you will COMPLETELY be taken aback when one or multiple ex’s try to sneak back into your life. Now, I know you all (or at least my women readers) are thinking back to that chic flick classic Someone Like You (Ashley Judd, Hugh Jackman) and Ashley Judd’s character, Jane Goodall’s new cow theory. The new cow theory is that all male species are in constant pursuit of a younger mate. ( So I Googled beacon plus every type of dating word I could think of and came up dry. This theory is based purely on extensive discussions with my girlfriends over multiple glasses of wine – there is a slight chance it could be flawed but I have solid examples. Take my friend who a month out from her wedding day began receiving frantic phone calls and instant messages from “the one who got away” wanting to confess his love for her and that she really was the one for him. Another friend was a few months out from her wedding when multiple old flames began to text and call – some were just old “booty calls” and suddenly they had the urge to reconnect. What is that? What cosmic signal is sent out into the universe that has people thousands of miles away reaching out to old flames. People they haven’t spoken to in ages. Admittedly, I thought this a myth until about nine months ago - when it happened to me. The Facebook messages, phone calls, emails all from ex’s that I haven’t talked to in YEARS. Some were innocently just “checking in”. Some tried to get things going again. One even wanted to see if I missed us – be warned he was “Engaged” on FB the very next month (we call these “bullet’s dodged” and there will be a whole series of blogs on them). I have to tell you – I had a great laugh and didn’t give it a second thought. Maybe it’s a good way to check to make sure you are in a healthy relationship. Maybe it is a nice way to boost your self esteem. And please note, my examples are all of men tracking down women but this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work both ways. Send me stories of ex-girlfriend Beacon stories – I would LOVE it!

As proof, that I am not pulling this out of thin air, think back to Season 5 of Grey’s Anatomy. Izzy Stevens was finally over Denny Duquette’s tragic death and her love loss ( . She had moved on to a steamy and exciting romance with Karev – she was happy and life was amazing. THEN BAM! Denny Duquette pop’s back in like a pimple on your wedding day. And that my friends is what we call The Beacon.

