Monday, November 23, 2009

The Nice Guy

Have you ever googled "an ode to the nice guy"? Probably not, but if you do, you will find pages of material, I mean, PAGES. And not just craigslist and you tube, I actually found a paper that was written for Wharton Undergraduate Journal.  Check it out, it's painfully true -

If you check out the November issue of Elle in the Ask E. Jean column - she bases her entire column on "The Nice Guy's Lament" ( She chronicles all of the guys we date instead, the dramatically wrong ones of course - jailbirds, drug users, cheaters, abusers. But what about the standard, run of the mill, jerk-off? I find those are the ones my girlfriends (Ok, maybe I would fall into this category as well) go for the most. The guy that just can't commit, or puts his buddies first always, or is so completely absorbed in himself that he never really pays attention to you.  The guys that are called out time after time in He's Just Not That Into You. They have it right, you know, he's not and eventually you figure that out. It may take bottles upon bottles of wine and more than one friend to painfully point it out but you do. And when you do - look out nice guy because another one has been converted.

My own little "Ode to the Nice Guy" - To the man who listened to me bitch all night about some other guy, who held the door and held my hand. Who came to my events just to support me, who drank or ate whatever I wanted because my day was that bad. Who knows chivalry is not dead and exactly what to say to make it better. I promise one day we all grow up and its nice guys we want.

And a quote I found that I especially like -

Women cannot complain anymore about men until they start showing better taste in them.
 -- Bill Maher