Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

I know what you're thinking...I am missing running SO much that it is now flooding my thought process completely. I am using some weak attempt to tie together dating and running.  Perhaps, but hear me out.

As a society, we tend to get wrapped up in the end result.  Which makes sense as we are measured in so many ways by results - at work, we have goals and most of us try to achieve them.  In running, we set a goal and then train to meet or exceed even it.  In short, we decide (or someone decides for us) that we want something and the expectation of results is created.

Usually there is a timeline but most of us want things now.  The 40 yard dash version, not the marathon version.  Now go outside and run a 40 yard dash and then tomorrow go outside and run a marathon - tell me how you feel at the end of each of them.  The dash is exhilarating, fun, gets your blood pumping and makes you feel great! Sure, you push yourself but you know you can get through it without working too hard. Tell me you feel the same about the marathon and I will call you a liar or you have a shot at the Olympics. It takes month of work - building up slowly, getting through rough patches where your body and mind are completely beat down and then the anticipation building up to the big day.  Not to mention the nerves the night before - the uncertainty of what lies ahead.  And the hard work pays off but not without even more WORK.  But in the end, it's totally worth it. It's this crazy emotional, physical, awesome journey that makes you feel incredible.  You realize all the work was totally worth it the second you hear your name called and your chip beep for the last time as you cross the finish line.  You swagger over to get your medal and water (or beer) to celebrate. The feeling is like non-other.  It's love. Your 40 yard dash was lust.

True love doesn't happen over night. It isn't made with a kiss or a diamond.  Or happen instantly after some really amazing event or major hurdle (the plot of most every rom-com).  It takes work and sacrifice and communication and all kinds of things that sound about as fun as training for four months for a marathon.  But somehow it's what we all crave and in the end it's totally worth it.


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