Monday, June 27, 2011

What's Love Got To Do With It

Yesterday was the first time I've been to church in YEARS, excluding Easter and Christmas which for some reason I don't really count.  When I lived in Encinitas I went to church nearly every Sunday.  Moved to East Village and suddenly I turned into some bar scene heathen.  I had the best of intentions to find a new church but six years later I realized I never checked that off my to-do list.  Why am I rambling on about church when my title CLEARLY has something to do with Tina Turner?!?!?!?

Because that was the subject of the sermon yesterday which I found oddly ironic and as a warm sign to my heart that this was where I was supposed to be.  On any given day "love" occupies a majority of my thoughts because it's my goal in life to help as many people as I can find it.  But lately and much more selfishly, it has been on my mind because I want to find it for myself.  Yes, maybe there is some truth to those who can't do, teach (as made evident by my math teacher girlfriend who sometimes screws up splitting the check or calculating days left until x-event happens).  However, I am not interested in some tragic story about a matchmaker who can't find love for herself. I want the happy ending as badly for myself as I do for my clients.  So as much as I was hoping for THE "Private Dancer" to come "rollin" through those chapel doors I was quite happy for a pastor who was celebrating 46 years of marriage to offer his advice and 1st Corinthians on Love.

I'm sure that even those of you who are not regulars at your local chapel, have attended a wedding or two that's recited 1 Corinthians 13.  I promise I will not attempt to be a pastor or become "preachy" but wanted to share what I learned I needed to work on in the hopes that it might help with your own path to finding love.

Patience - well I have none. I am ready damnit - I made up my mind and now would like for the stars to align and my future husband to please show up already.  I am pretty sure most can relate to being impatient. This will probably be a weakness I have to work on for the rest of my life.

Envy - this is a tough one to admit. I want what others have. I want someone to take care of me when I'm sick (or just had surgery). I want someone to go to the Farmer's Market with on Saturday morning. I want a running partner, a "plus 1" for all of the weddings I attend and mostly someone there for me to be my biggest fan. And I want to be all of these things and more for them.  The funny thing is I have all of these things - they are called, friends. But what is "envious" and difficult to admit is I want what my friends have. In order to love, I must let envy go.

And it will all be worth it because, "the greatest of these is love".


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