Friday, April 30, 2010

Art Alive in San Diego

One of my favorite events of the year kicked off tonight - Art Alive.  I've been to the Special Edition Culture & Cocktails before but never the Opening Celebration & it was exquisite. I am a romantic to my core - I think white lights, candles & stars are amazing. I love fresh flowers & pretty settings.  I believe in happy endings & cheesy romantic comedies - it literally is what moves me through my day. And tonight when I walked up the red carpet and into the big white tent I looked up and there were stars on the "ceiling".There were floral arrangements EVERYWHERE - pink & purple lights on a beautiful white setting.  When you walked into the rotunda if you didn't close your eyes and just breathe you were doing yourself a disservice. The overpowering smell of lilies knocks you off your feet - it's a smell that lightens my heart. Then you open your eyes and you see the most romantic setting you could ever imagine. It's what the heart feels love should look like - perfection. Soft white roses, daises & lilies everywhere.  I thought to myself - someone has to get married here tonight. It is, simply put - beautiful. My dear friend, & Associate Director of Development at SDMA, Sarah Beckman said there HAS to be at least has to be at least one proposal. And as I looked around the room I thought to myself if neither a wedding or a proposal is going to happen tonight, I can find solace in the fact that there are couples all over the room that are completely falling in love.  Maybe it's Bonnie & Hans that were celebrating their 10th anniversary tonight or maybe it's a guy seeing a girl in a new light for the first time.  But if there were ever a night, tonight was the night that love was in the air.
Thank you San Diego Museum of Art ... you have outdone yourself!

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