Thursday, February 4, 2010

Advice for women on what men want...

I just read this and am guilty of it myself so I thought I would share! I think the lesson I learned is men want to feel like the man in the relationship. 

happily, kim

"But I was only trying to help...."

So you now realize that helping a man without being invited to do so is a bad idea. In fact, doing so makes him feel like you're his mother - yuk! Well what's a woman to do for the man she loves when he's struggling?

Leave him alone?

Tell him to get over it?

Pretend nothing is wrong?

Actually, none of these are very helpful. What men want, yes they crave, is the woman they love to believe in their ability to solve the problem. What you man wants...more than anything for you to be proud of him. Fixing his problem, to him, feels like you feel sorry for him. I realize that this isn't your intention but when he's struggling try saying something like this..

"I don't know how, but I know you'll figure this out."

If he responds with doubt - "I hope so." you then respond with this - "Well, I don't know about hope, but I do know about you. Even if you have doubts about yourself...I don't."

This isn't something I would advise a man to say to the woman he loves, but I promise any man who hears such admiration for his ability will feel a deep sense of loyalty to such a woman who can say such magical words.

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