Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And so it begins...

Albeit slowly...Patience I hear is key. My very first blog, hopefully, by this time next week I'll have a website for it. I wouldn't want my blog to be lonely. I have to chuckle to myself that I am worried about my matchmaking blog being lonely...
And so it begins, when I was in recruiting (or the dirty word "headhunting") I used to joke about what an amazing matchmaker I could be and now I've decided to give it whirl. Why not take all of those years of "social butterflydom" and put it to good use. Take a hobby and give it a storefront - isn't that the American dream? And so today my friend's, I am legit. Open for business - send all of your single friends my way - let's see if I can find their +1.

Just give me one more week...

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